Athletic Passes
The Athletic Department will offer the following pass options for the 2021 - 2022 school year. All passes may be purchased at the High School Guidance Office during school hours starting the week of August 1st.
10 Punch Pass - Value $60 - Cost $50
Adult Ultimate Cougar Pass - $85 - admits an adult 18 years, or older and out of school to all MS / HS athletic events for the calendar year.
Student Ultimate Cougar Pass - $65 - admits a student in grades K- 12 to all MS / HS athletic events for a calendar year.
Cougar Family Pass - $250 - admits a family of (2) adults, and children in the household that are currently attend Crestview Schools in grades K - 12 only.
Senior Citizen Lifetime Pass - Individuals who are 65 or older and live in the district, or have a grandchild that attends any of the 3 schools within the district may receive a lifetime pass at no charge.
Student Presale Tickets
Good for all home contests and FC contest $3
Individual Tickets at the Door - Varsity
Varsity Contests and Varsity / JV Contest played on the same day - $6 General Admission
Children Under 5 - Admitted Free
Individual Tickets at the Door - Non-Varsity
Junior Varsity, Freshman, and 7th and 8th Grade Contest - $5 Adult / $3 Students
Crestview Athletic Passes (excludes tournament games)
Cougar Family Pass - $250 (admits a family of (2) adults, and children in the household that are currently attending Crestview Schools in grades K-12 only)
10 Punch Pass - $50 (Value $60 - good for Home games only!)
Adult Ultimate Cougar Pass - $85 (admits an adult 18 years or older and out of school to all MS/HS athletic events for the calendar year)
Student Ultimate Cougar Pass - $65 (admits a student in grades K-12 to all MS/HS athletic events for the calendar year)
Senior Citizen Pass - Individuals who are 65 or older and live in the district, or have a grandchild that attends any of the three (3) schools within the district may receive a lifetime pass at no charge.