Kindergarten Registration
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Crestview Kindergarten Registration
2025-2026 Kindergarten registration will be available online through FinalForms.
If you have any questions or need assistance during enrollment, please contact:
Ashley Stigall, District Registrar
Crestview Local Schools
District Office
1575 State Route 96
Ashland, OH 44805
Phone: 419-895-1700 x 17002
Enrollment Process:
To begin, please click on the link for FinalForms: Then click on the Parent (New Account) button on the FinalForms site. You will be instructed to create a login and password, which allows you to begin the process, save your information and return at a later date for completion, if necessary. Please call or email the District Office when you have completed all forms within FinalForms. at 419-895-1700 x17002, . In lieu of the in-person enrollment meeting, Crestview Local Schools will accept your required documentation in two (2) ways, by either uploading the information to your child's folder in FinalForms or scanning and emailing it to all fields and required uploads in FinalForms. Be sure to select the appropriate school year you are registering your child.
Contact Ashley Stigall via phone or email (contact information is above) to inform her that your enrollment paperwork and uploads in FinalForms are completed. She will finalize your enrollment process at this time.
Please note: Registration cannot be completed and your student may not begin school without the following documents. If you already have a student in the district, you will still need to provide this documentation to complete the registration process.
Original Birth Certification
Immunization Record
Proof of Residency (2) - lease, purchase contract, utility bill, government mailing, official confirmation of address change filed with the US Postal Service, mortgage statement.
Current IEP/ETR/504 Plan (if applicable).
Current Documentation of Custody (if applicable).
Photo ID of Parent/Guardian enrolling student.
Kindergarten Registration FAQ
When does Kindergarten Registration begin and how do I register my child?
Enrollment begins on March 1, and can only be completed online using FinalForms. Click here to access Final Forms. The actual enrollment process is very similar to any new student entering Crestview Local Schools even if the family already has a child in Crestview Local Schools. Specific steps in the registration process using FinalForms can be found here.
What is the age requirement for registering for kindergarten?
Your child must be 5 years old on or by the early entrance deadline of August 1. If your child turns 5 after the deadline, and you believe is ready for kindergarten, you may request early entrance testing. Your request can be sent to Sherri Richter at
Do I need to come to a building as part of registration?
No; however, you must upload certain items and documents in Final Forms.
What information do I need to complete to be “fully registered?
Registration information can be found here.
What if I have questions while completing registration?
All questions regarding registration should be directed to Ashley Stigall at
When is kindergarten screening?
Screenings will be held at Crestview Elementary School. Families must call to schedule an appointment for each registered kindergartener at 419-895-1700, ext. 16000.
How do I stay informed as information is released and shared?
The best way to stay informed is to view the Crestview Newsletter on our District website. Information is also shared on school social media sites and often through Final Forms. Be certain the email address in FinalForms is one that is checked regularly.
What if I have questions that are specific to kindergarten and not just registration?
Questions about kindergarten or school operations can be directed to our school secretary, Abbie Spencer, at
Early Kindergarten Admission
A parent may request early admission to kindergarten if the child turns five years of age after the district’s kindergarten entrance date (August 1) and before January 1. The local board of education shall determine entrance through a standardized testing program. The Crestview Local School District considers a child eligible for entrance into “regular” kindergarten if s/he attains the age of five on or before August 1st of the year s/he applies for entrance. A child under the age of six (6) who is enrolled in kindergarten will be considered of compulsory school age.
By parental request, a child may be tested for early admission to kindergarten if s/he will be five (5) years of age between August 1 and December 31, inclusive, and exhibit the mental, social and emotional standards established by the Crestview Local Board of Education. If your child turns 5 years of age after December 31st and you believe s/he is a viable candidate for early entrance, please contact the Gifted Services office.
The Crestview Board of Education has adopted the State of Ohio’s Model Student Acceleration Policy for Advanced Learners:
“Children who will not yet be the proper age for entrance to kindergarten or first grade by the first day of January of the school year for which admission is requested shall also be evaluated for possible early admittance if referred by an educator within the district, a pre-school educator who knows the child, or pediatrician or psychologist who knows the child. Children who will not yet be the proper age for entrance to kindergarten or first grade by the first day of January of the school year for which admission is requested may also be evaluated for possible early admittance at the discretion of the principal of the school to which the student may be admitted.”
The Early Entrance to kindergarten process shall be reviewed annually by the Early Entrance to Kindergarten Committee.
Further Information: